National Student Walk Out Day - Royal Oak MI, where students protest weak gun laws that fail to protect students. FFC registered young new voters

FFC was one sponsor of the movie screening and panel discussion about privatization of education

Farmington Hills - National Student Walk Out Day to encourage gun sense laws that protect students, where FFC volunteers registered first time voters

Speaker event on the history and systems of racism in our country, and helping us recognize our own bias, presented in partnership with WCR (Women Confronting Racism)

Hosted workshop on communicating effectively and persuasively with people of opposing viewpoints

Hosted ACA signup with trained specialists and policy experts to debunk ACA myths

FFC volunteers spent hundreds of hours offering voter registration on site at different events.

Forty volunteers, refreshments, and camaraderie resulted in 1500 postcards personalized with the recipients polling location sent to returning citizens, and low propensity voters

Screening of IRON JAWED ANGELS movie, about the women’s suffrage movement. with a discussion afterward. FFC hosted with other local groups to honor 100 years of the women’s suffrage movement in Michgian

Art Hop, a Contemporary Art & Design tour quickly became Fems for Change signature fundraiser. Participants were granted access to the private collections of four local collectors with personalized tours

FFC Volunteers participated in5 phone banking sessions in support of Proposal 2, which passed overwhelmingly in November. This mandated creation of an Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission

Our volunteers were knocking doors in Macomb county, building support for Prop 2, which passed in November 2018

Our volunteers were knocking doors in Macomb county, building support for Prop 2, which passed in November 2018