Lessons From Over a Year of Covid
Learn what changes are being considered to the ACA. What will be kept, changed or repealed. For up-to-date information, check out free online sources like the Kaiser Health News and the Center for Healthcare Research & Transformation.
Visit: Kaiser Health News
There is power in numbers so AFFILIATE yourself with groups like Fems for Change that represent you and that allow you to amplify your voice to influence lawmakers, and advance legislation through education and activism.
Give others the FACTS about the current status of healthcare. Ask them to share the information with friends, colleagues, and relatives.
Be sure you know the differences between the current health care law, the ACA, and the bill currently being proposed in the Senate, the ACHA. Factual information is the true key to understanding.
Keep fighting against repealing the ACA. Contact Congress people opposed to it - even if you live outside of their district. Attend town halls, call / fax / email them, participate in marches and request one-on-one meetings. Our continued pressure can make a difference.
Contact Info formation for:
Senator Claire McCaskill asking for a hearing for the upcoming health care proposal.
Supports the goals of the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA) including Medicaid expansion. Through advocacy strategies and educational activities, we work to maintain, improve and strengthen provisions and policies that expand access to affordable healthcare for all our citizens.