Volunteer Appreciation Party for all of those who gave generously of their time to ensure more Michiganders can exercise their right to vote. Special guest Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson spoke to the group.

Winter Storms did not dent the event! FFC was on hand to register voters, including one who turned legal voting age that day

Intersectionality in the 21st Century: hosted by WCR (Women Confronting Racism) with an assist from their friends at FFC. Fabulous conference at Beker College

Constitutional Law Professor Robert Sedler spoke on The Rules and History of a Impeachment of a president, and fielded question at this FFC event in Ferndale, MI.

Author Danielle McGuire, speaks about her book At the Dark End of the Street: Black Women, Rape, and Resistance—A new History of the Civil Rights Movement. FFC sponsored with other groups.

Civics 101 was a 6-week class that FFC designed and hosted. Taught by a series of university professors, it provided a refresher in U.S. Civics plus timely updates on the current issues dominating the news.

Movie screening of a documentary about the American Healthcare Industry, co-hosted by FFC.

Workshops and a panel discussion providing policy updates and ally training for Women & LGBTQ Justice, co-hosted by FFC and over 15 organizations.

FFC Steering Committee began 2019 with a full day Strategic Planning Session, reviewing successful endeavors and examining those that fell short, in addition to planning our 2019 efforts.

The Handmaid’s Tale: Protest of the Anti-Abortion Ban was held on the Michigan state capital steps in Lansing. FFC partnered with local League of Women Voters to provide voter registration to attendees.

Voter registration at our state capital, partnering with volunteers from local chapter of League of Women Voters.